AACC to Become ADLM

AACC is pleased to announce that it will soon become the Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (ADLM). This historic name change, which was approved in a member vote this spring, will be formally rolled out at the opening plenary of this year’s Annual Scientific Meeting & Clinical Lab Expo on July 23.

It will take time before the new name and brand are fully integrated into our programs, events, and services, but the AACC/ADLM team is working hard to ensure the smoothest possible transition.

The move to rename the association was the result of a thoughtful, deliberate process led by the organization’s board of directors. Although the new name makes a bold statement, it does not represent a change of direction. Instead, it more accurately reflects our diverse membership, which includes all professionals working within or adjacent to the clinical lab. Clinical chemistry is still vital to our offerings, and ADLM will remain the proud professional home for clinical chemists.

Over our 75-year history, we have embraced every evolution in our field, and that continues as we grow to meet the future. ADLM will continue our work advancing lab professionals whose expertise leads to better health for all.

In short, we’re deepening our commitment to better health through laboratory medicine by broadening our invitation to collaborate. Thank you for being part of our robust and growing community. We look forward to seeing you in Anaheim!


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