从众人中脱颖而出!展示企业实力、提升品牌形象、比竞争对手获取更高的曝光率。 在展前、展中、及展后带来更多商机、增强参展效果。我们将为参展商提供更多的广告赞助机会, 以便好宣传企业形象, 深入参与本届展会. 广告赞助机会先到先得,详细广告赞助方案及价格:


New Product Showcase This is an excellent opportunity to generate interest and
booth traffic! Attendees are looking for an overview of what’s new before heading to the
show floor. Feature your new products in this searchable electronic billboard located in
a high traffic area outside of the Exhibit Hall.
Extended 扩展套餐有:



Premium 豪华套餐:
除以上所有以外再增加:多媒体快闪视频演示、博览会网站主页旋转横幅广告。 详情

Exhibitor Profile Listing Packages Basic (included in exhibit fee) includes
company listing description with up to 500 characters and the ability to upload 5 press
releases. includes company listing description with up to 1,000 characters, logo in
printed program, and company highlighted on the online floor plan withan enhanced
listing icon. Includes items in basic and extended packages plus rotating banner on home
page of exposition website, video uploads, and up to 3 product photos posted online.
Extended $800
Premium $2,000
过道吊顶宣传 企业标志将在展厅内所有通道展示,确保参观者从一个通道到下一通道中看到您的标志。 Aisle Signs Your logo and compang name will be worn by all attendees and
Exhibitor Meeting Rooms The Convention Center meeting rooms offer a private,
more spacious option for you to conduct business and schedule internal meetings. These
rooms are available for use throughout the entire Annual Meeting & Clinical Lab Expo
show dates. Meeting rooms are furnished with a hollow square set up and chairs.
Equipment is not allowed in these meeting rooms.
$13,900 per day
自动扶梯条幅宣传 确保参观者通过每一个黄金位置都能意识到你的存在。 (赞助商负责包括扶梯条幅的生产,安装和移除。) Escalator Runners Opportunity for placement of a company branded runner in
prominent areas within the Georgia World Congress Center. Ensure attendees are aware of
your presence at the meeting by securing one of these prime locations for visibility.
Sponsorship includes production of the runner, installation, and removal.
悬挂横幅 通过任何一个黄金位置保证与会者了解到您的信息。 (赞助商包括横幅的生产,安装和拆卸。) Hanging Banners Reach attendees with your message by securing a company banner
within the Pennsylvania Convention Center. Sponsorship includes production of the
banner, installation, and removal.
Price Varies by Location(价格根据放置地点来定价,详情请咨询)
穿梭巴士头枕 您公司的标志会显示在始页和客户登录页面。登录页面甚至在参展观众没有WIFI和手机信号的情况下都能使用。 Shuttle Bus Headrests Fabric covers, personalized with your logo, will be
placed at each seat of all shuttle buses. This exclusive sponsorship opportunity is an
excellent means of capturing the attention of thousands of meeting participants as they
travel to and from the Georgia World Congress Center. The sponsor is responsible for the
costs of producing the covers.
充电站 位于展厅的高流量区域,每个站台都配有多个电源线提供给移动设备和笔记本电脑充电,贵公司的品牌将被突显在充电站。 Charging Stations Associate your company with this much appreciated service!
Located in high traffic areas in the Convention Center, each kiosk is equipped with
multiple power connections for charging mobile devices. Your company branding will be
displayed on the charging station.
窗户贴纸宣传 贵公司品牌在所有与会者进入以及离开会议中心前展示。这是品牌推广不容错过的机会,肯定可以引起观众在会议上的关注。 Window Decals Present your company branding in front of all meeting attendees
as they head into the Georgia World Congress Center and then again as they depart for
the day. This can’t miss branding opportunity is a sure way to capture the attention of
all individuals at the meeting.
充电间广告投放 广告位的宣传柱都位于展馆外人流量大的地方,为您的客户留下难以忘怀的印象。 Charging Lounge Located in high traffic public areas outside of the Exhibit
Hall, you are sure to make a lasting impression by securing a place on these columns.
柱体广告宣传 广告位的宣传柱都位于展馆外人流量大的地方,为您的客户留下难以忘怀的印象。 Column Wraps Located in high traffic public areas outside of the Exhibit Hall,
you are sure to make a lasting impression by securing a place on these columns.
长凳广告 将广告投放在展馆旁处于交通要道旁的公园长凳上,会显得格外醒目,除了公园长凳上的一系列黏贴广告宣传,公园过道上也将被铺设上一副您公司长条广告。 Park Benches Stand out in the Exhibit Hall with your company branding on park
benches placed down the heavily trafficked main cross aisle. Each set of benches will
include signage on each bench and an accompanying large floor decal placed on the aisle
Housing Confirmations Reach thousands of attendees prior to their arrival in
Philadelphia! Your ad will appear on the housing confirmation page at the end of each
online housing reservation and on every confirmation communication delivered via email.
The ad is hyper-linked to your website. Approximately 10,000 impressions.
Pre-show Email Blast to Registrants Take advantage of this limited opportunity
to reach out to pre-registrants in the days leading up to the meeting. One exclusive
email will be sent out each day. You will work with our vendor to create a customized
html email that will be distributed to those who are pre-registered to attend the